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We welcome new members who have fully or partially retired from their Professional or Business careers, and are living in Clevedon or the surrounding districts. 


The term “Professional and Business’ is not intended to be limiting, the following paragraph gives a wider definition.  


Membership is open to men whose careers will have been, for example, in Legal,  Accounting, Administration, Engineering, Design, Civil Service, Local Government, Hospitality and the Clergy - but not limited to these career sectors.


A membership application form can be obtained from the Secretary, or downloaded from the link below. The completed application should be submitted to the Secretary.


Candidate(s) for membership will be introduced to a sponsor member (if not already known) and be invited to attend up to three Tuesday meetings as a guest.


After attending three meetings, Candidate(s) become eligible for membership subject to ratification by the Committee.


Candidate(s) will be advised of the Committee’s decision and if successful, become full members immediately - but if there be no vacancies, they will be placed on a waiting list.


While waiting for full membership, candidates may be invited to take part in social functions.


To do List

Download a membership application form on the link below .


Return the completed form to the Secretary.


Attend introductory meetings,

as invited.


Advise the Chairman or Secretary when you have decided that you wish to join the club. 

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